Will Write for Attention

The Wheelhouse is posting another excerpt from my novel, The Growing Season, today:

The conclusion Abby and I reached, a few hours and another bottle of wine later, was to look up from the navel-gazing and let go of the drama. In short, to walk with Cara through this, however long it took, and support her any way we could—while going on with life. In that vein, she came up with a Halloween group costume that could work as a trio or quartet, though Cara wasn’t showing any more willingness to participate over the next few days than she had initially. We would be characters from Alice in Wonderland: Alice herself, the Queen, the Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, etc. Abby graciously offered to a paper-rock-scissors challenge for the coveted role of Alice, the most attractive character of them all, but we let her take the part. Kennedy wanted to be the Queen—said she had a debutante dress from her high school days (bitch still fit into it) that would be perfect—and I picked the Hatter, feeling no ache to strive for a sexy or even attractive look this year. It wasn’t exactly a vow of chastity I was going for—I would have been a little late for that party—but I needed a break from the whole flirting scene, the excitement that went along with a first date followed by the eventual, inevitable disappointment of a match not made. I wanted a fun night out with my girlfriends without the hangover and regret the next day (or at least, the regret). So I forged full-speed ahead on my costume. It was an asexual masterpiece.

Read the rest over here!

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